
I'm sorry...what?

Something interesting happened to me last night. A guy I know introduced me, among others, to his girlfriend. Turns out that he only met her on my space. She was crazy as crazy can be saying things that made no sense at all. We laughed at her all night long. My cheeks began to hurt as the night progressed. I blamed this on my constant laughing. Throughout the night I had the feeling that someone was talking about me. You know the old wives tale that your ears will ring when someone is talking about you? As the night went along, I started to realize that no one was talking about me...I was losing the hearing in my right ear. Around 2am my ear was ringing and I could hardly hear out of it. I went to bed and attempted to "sleep off" my new hearing impairment. It did not work. Every sound coming to my right ear now sounds muffled and my cheeks are still hurting. This worries me a bit as I like the option of being able to hear if I so choose. Is there a new greeting card for this sort of personal deterioration?


SmithJ said...

Mardis Gras,
I do not take deafness lightly, and I recommend you see your physician before hanging out with the MySpace chick again. That said, your ultra-modern problem calls for a neo-modern greeting card.

Card 8.
For your friend who laughed so hard at a crazy person that it resulted in a loss of hearing. Or, for people who are stubborn enough to "sleep off" impending deafness.

Stay the course, though others may falter.
Blindly ignore all reason for you are surely smarter than them.
The world's first lepar swore he was just allergic to fabric softener.

w.j. DeBalt said...

as someone who is considered leagally deaf in 3 states (KY, MO, UT) I can relate hear [sic]. I would love to receive a card like this. I think it would be even better if it had a picture of a guy with a red shirt on and a funnel in his hear on the front. The guy should have a perplexed look on his face. That would be a great card.

SmithJ said...

I've got the red shirt if you've got the funnel.

Anonymous said...

They say deafness is next to godliness. And you are, after all, aged. Ol'man Copper - who's barn was flattened - was way aged. And you and i both know there's nothing better than neglect to push the elderly into a dirt nap.