
Relax, eruption is imminent.

Some people find the sound of the ocean soothing, some people get off on bus fumes, Others stab hobos down at the switchyard. Me I watch volcanoes on webcams from no less then two time zones away. I find that in my desire to see magma turn to lava my everyday worries are just wisked away.

Watch Mt. St. Helens for yourself.


See you're relaxed already.


Letters: Otter Pops

To whom it may concern,

I was happy to learn that Otter Pops were once again available, as they were a favorite treat of mine growing up. Upon discovering their reintroduction into the frozen arena I immediately ordered two cases from your website. One for me and one for a friend who shares my nostalgic love of frozen water and sugar. Hers was a surprise, a Christmas present in fact. I eagerly awaited their arrival.

Finally the day came, after 6 weeks of waiting due to a "back order" problem. Nevertheless, when the Christmas present came, in late January, I was still excited and couldn't wait to give it to her. I rushed to her house and presented her with the box-o-fun. We quickly opened it and threw some in the freezer. It was then when the lies started to expose themselves. We noticed that the old individual packaging with the likes of Alexander the Grape, Strawberry Short Kook, and Sir Issac Lime had been replaced by a boilerplate packaging design. The wonder of the Otter Pops of years past was the indivuality of each character/flavor, I remember nearly coming to blows with my brother because I wanted the last Alexander the Grape. Now a whole generation of brothers will be fighting over the "purple one." Real stimulating, you are really doing your part to nurture the creative minds of the youth. You deserve a medal, only it won't be a medal, it will be a button and we won't actually give it to you but we will photocopy it and tape it to your shirt. We will tell you it's a medal though and you will eat it up.

Our dismay over the packaging was quite a letdown, but we were still willing to accept that the winds of change had blown the Otter Pops towards cheapskateville. After waiting for an hour or so, it was time to taste a bit of our frozen youth. We joyfully chose the Popsicle of our fancy— mine purple, hers green. What happened next was nothing less than despicable! The treats that we so yearned for were not our delicious friends from the past, but simply Flavor-ice in sheep's clothing. This was no longer the delicous frozen treat that we once loved it was different, but familar. It was Flavor-Ice! Imagine our dismay. Not only have you taken away the individuals who ruled over the Popsicle kingdom you have bulldozed that kingdom and put up a strip mall, and there is both a Starbucks and a Blockbuster in this strip mall.

My dear frozen water and sugar conglomerate, I hope that your profits are way up, but I also hope you realize that in cutting your corners you are depriving a whole generation of the things that MADE Otter Pops. Anyone can put some water in a plastic tube and you are certainly proving that. Otter Pops used to have personality. Now, they aren't even worthy of the name, so I implore you to give up the charade. If you are going to sell these Otter Pops, don't waste our time, just call them Flavor-Ice and save the lies for the Republican party.



saving a life, or a freaky saturday night

Pull the dogs tongue and place it on one side of his mouth. Make sure to take out any foreign object that is obstructing the airway. If the dog has fallen into water, place him "face down" to get the water out of his lungs.
Lay the dog on his right side and place his head and neck on the floor as if the dog were looking forward in order to allow the maximum amount of air to go in. Place your hands around the dog's nose as if making an air bag with them. Put your lips on the "air bag" and blow without stopping for three seconds, this way your breath will go into the nose of the dog and fill his lungs with air. Rest for about two seconds and repeat again. Continue until the dog is able to breath on his own again.

Cardiac massages for a dog>
If a dog's heart stops beating, give the dog cardiac massages immediately. Do this by:

Place the inferior part of your palm over the left side of the dog's chest, right behind the dog's elbow. Place your other hand on top of this one and push with a downward and upward force, towards the dogs head.
Push on the dog three times very quickly and firmly. Then do CPR on the dog. You should alternate this in the following way: pump, pump, pump, breath etc. Each pump should be about one second of separation.
Repeat this whole sequence fifteen to twenty times per minute until you are able to hear the dog's heart beat. When you are able to feel the dogs heart beat, stop pumping and continue giving CPR to the dog while you are rushing to the veterinary clinic.
- seefido.com

Have fun, pervert.