
A sly lapful of frottage

Recently a coworker of mine and I were playing a game of vocabularic badminton when he scored a 3 pointer with... Frottage.
I had never heard the word before and when I learned the definition it quickly shot into my top 10.
Go ahead look it up I will wait....

I know! The fact that this act has a word to describe it is great, the fact that that word is frottage is even better.
So I implore you to go forth this fine winter weekend and celebrate everything that is "frottage". By showing strangers and loved ones alike the most unabashed display of frotteurism since the white coats came to take Thrustin' Justin from that spaghetti dinner.

1 comment:

E.L. Huffer said...

It's a relief to finally be able to put a name to my "condition". Thanks much!