

Peripheral Fiasco has a few men behind the proverbial curtain. One of these men rarely emerges from his curtain. He does many things behind his curtain; I will not bore you (or shock you as the case may be) with a laundry list of everything he does back there. I will mention that one of the tasks carried out behind his “Cloak of Secrecy and Respect” as he refers to it, is to keep the PF contributors on task and on schedule with respect to churning out the incredibly witty and insightful cerebral candy you all stop by to consume. E.L. Huffer is consistently negligent in the timeliness of his posts, being frequently distracted behind his “Quilt of Insulation from the Impending Reign of SARS Related Death and Devastation” as he refers to it. What began as a non-PF correspondence from E.L. Huffer to this other man was realized to be aptly suited for yet another missed deadline, and follows here:

Subject: My new LP
I received my Mark Twang LP in the mail yesterday. There’s nothing like listening to “Don’t Leave Your Records In The Sun” on your record player.
Incidentally, I left this record in the sub-freezing evening environment of my mailbox. No waviness, warping, or other abnormalities were observed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

this page is run by men? I would have bet my paycheck it was run by primates or at best a pack of performance trained seals.

But seriously, keep up the good work... now go balance a ball on your cute little nose and beg for fish down at the harbor...