
Zeus Loves You, But Everyone Else Thinks You're An Asshole

The King of Thebes had two kids, Phrixus and Helle. He also had a bitch of a second wife who threatened to kill the children. The kids were like, "fuck that", and bailed outta Thebes on a flying ram with a golden fleece. Helle was a whine ass and fell off the fucking ram into the sea. Phrixus was stoned out of his mind and thought the whole trip was mighty fine. He survived and landed the ram in Colchis. Overcome with joy, and still terribly high, Phrixus ripped out the ram's heart in the name of Zeus. Zeus was pleased and openly aroused by the heart ripping so he placed the ram among the stars. The King of Colchis, who loved a good ground score, kept the golden fleece for a rainy day.

At least two PF writers were born in Aries. Long live Phrixus. Fuck the E.L. Policia.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a discovery! I was so baffled by this write up of yours and for the first time ever I decided to click on one of the underlined words. Not sure why I have never done it before, virgin clicker I am, but glad I did. Now I see, now I laugh...aloud even! Quite tricky you folks are hiding humor on the flip side. Now visiting the p.funk site is like partaking in an easter egg hunt. Cheers!