
inspired by coworkers

Dick slap death is the death i choose to die.
Does this surpise you? You of many buttons and olive hair tonic?
Does this shock you? You of finger sandwiches and scarlet letter sensibilities?
And what about you there? All eyebrows and snake oil you are... Speechless, are you not?

It sure caught my parents off guard.


SmithJ said...

Mr. Huffer,
I read in People that Dick Slap Death (DSD) was a form of torture used by lazy (but well hung) hang men in the Dark Ages. In your opinion, could this type of death replace heart smashing as a form of capital punishment in our prisons today? If so, what contemporary musician or character from Full House could you see supporting such an initiative? God knows Sir Elton is in, but who else?

w.j. DeBalt said...

I would bet my stash of recycled lint that uncle Jesse has dished out his share of DSD. Not enough to make him a knight, but plenty just the same.

I can hear a freshly slapped Dave Coulier saying "Cut it out" now.

Anonymous said...

Olsen twins are in. Their personal trainers use DSD to keep them off the snacks.

SmithJ said...

A generation of American adolescents surely considered the DSDDJT or Dick Slap Death DJ Tanner. Perhaps Candace Cameron would support the DSD for a Better Tomorrow Campaign?

Hangman Wanted, Noose Optional.

E.L. Huffer said...

A DSD fate pales in comparison to the prospect of a Full House episode. I'm pretty sure that "DSD" is the answer the popular question "WWJD?"