
Confession: Bamm!!!

I have a confession to make, and since I'm not catholic, protestant, jewish, mormon, episcopalian or satanic, I've decided this would be the best forum. Please don't think less of me after you read this. Remember I'm only human.

Ok...here I go.

When I'm in my kitchen making food (usually dinner) I often am the host of my own cooking show inside my head. I recite to the "audience" the proper way to prepare anything from fine cuisine to grilled cheese. The segments generally last between 15 and 30 minutes and are "taped" before a studio audience. I'm still working on acquiring a laugh track.

Usually I can refrain from talking out loud or even moving my lips when I'm "hosting" my show. Today however, as I prepared my meal I went to add a dash of salt and accidently shouted "bamm!"
Now I'm being sued.

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