
double EntendrE double

The world in which we live is filled with impatience and gluttony. Every day images of obese children and acts of road rage flash across our TV screens. Our five minute wait in line at the bank is a form of torture. "How dare you keep me from important tasks! Don't those tellers know who I am"!

I find it hard that anyone would disagree with my point. But, for the sake of argument if you do, I present Exhibit A - Cheeseburger in a Can.

When did we become such assholes?

These questions are too big for me, and this blog. Perhaps. But find consolation in the fact that I have seen what could return us to a sedated state. You too have gazed upon its splendor. Of this I know.

A simple device who's origins date back to Africa and can be fashioned by combining ordinary household items; one standard issue comb plus a generous slice of wax paper. A singing membranphone, or kazoo to the lay-person, is a wondrous marriage in which the human voice is in sympathy with a vibrating skin. Sounds kinky.

The modern variant was created by Alabama Vest in the 19th century and manufactured in Macon Georgia to Vest's specifications by German clockmaker Thaddeus von Clegg. Long before Paul McCartney and Michael Jackson this pair made beautiful music together. The low guttural buzz of the glorious kazoo. So simple. So elegant. Like Om, the primordial sound from which the whole universe was created kazoo's harmonious buzz is the perfect mantra of the modern day.

So firmly grasp the shaft, gently place it to your lips and blow. All your troubles away.

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