

My father works in sales. He has ever since I've known him. If you've ever had a father who sells stuff then you know that it's all about leg work. A lot of it. Back in high- school as my natural tendency " to leave ones parents behind and strikeout on your own" was kicking in, my father was putting meat on the table and thus not around that much. He and I were ships that passed in the night with Pangaea smack-dab in the middle blocking the way. Lucky for me there was a man in my life that was around all the time. He was there to cheer me up. Provide advice. Show me what it meant to be a man. That man...

Ed McMahon. He was all over the place. Carson, Star Search, Bloopers and Practical Jokes, Sweepstakes. The man was a fixture.

Although several years older then my father at that time he still provided the guidance and wisdom one can only obtain from a father-figure. To be honest he was closer in age to my grandfather but he taught me that love bears no prejudices. That was one of the many lessons I picked up. It was not a hands-on type of learning but more of a distant surveillance. Does this diminish the quality of enlightenment he unknowingly provided? I think not.

Through his various appearances Ed opened my eyes to many Truths providing me with a foundation of what a good human being ought to be. I would like to share a few of those.

As the spokesman for the American Family Publishing sweepstakes he showed me that it is better to give then receive. On Star Search he taught me to embrace my individuality and talents, and that through hard work and determination you can reach the stars. But I thank him most of all for his vast work in the Comedic Arts such as his stellar hosting ability on TV's Bloopers and Practical Jokes where I learned the importance of a good laugh. And last but most definitely not least his long tenure as Johnny Carson's right hand man where nightly he (and I) was reminded that you can't take yourself too seriously.

These are just a few of the things he taught me. There indeed are more. Much more. I could go on about how his example as a businessman or as a loving husband and father affected me but I will not. My point has been made and my gratitude expressed. Thank you Mr. McMahon. Gracias Ed. I like to think that I have made you proud.

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