
Insert Here: Soup to Nuts

In the first of a new series here at PF, today I introduce you to "Insert Here"

The idea behind "Insert Here" is that we will give you a phrase or word and over the next several days you will try and work this word or phrase into your conversation. You will quickly see how rewarding this can be. Just last weekend, I had the pleasure of telling a guy that bore a striking resemblance to Willie Aames "... you my friend, have just run into a buzzsaw." It felt damn good. You may see that others sometimes will react strangely to your choice of words. Fretnot, this is squarely on them.

The second step in this process is you reporting back in the comment section with the happenings of your wordplay shenanigans.

Ok, now that you have said, "Yeah, yeah... I like this" and clapped your hands together in approval, lets get this started.

Todays "Insert Here":
Soup to Nuts


Anonymous said...

The Setup:
I sell software. In an attempt to get information about my customer's needs I requested, "Why don't you just give me an overview of what projects you are working on, soup to nuts."

The Response:
He, in turn, gave me a synopsis of his firm's upcoming projects. I see he's played Insert Here before. Damn eggheads.

E.L. Huffer said...

The Setup:
Soup to nuts.

The Response:
Excuse me?

My Response:
Soup to nuts.

Their Response:

My Response:
Soup to nuts.

Their Response:
What the fuck is wrong with you?!? Asshole.

Mardi Gras said...

Their order: I'll have a vodka and soda.

My respone: I give them their drink and tell them that will be $5.25.

They pay, I return with change...

I say: Soup to Nuts

They say (with a fairly dumb grin on their face): Thank you.

I shared this with the two guys I was bartending with...it quickly got out of control...in a good, repetitive way...in a good, repetitive way.