
Hollywood Grill & Cheese Shack

It's the craze sweeping the fiasco! neighborhood. It's easy to play, take a famous person and fuse it with a food item. BOOM, you have your new obsession, creating menu items for our dreamland eatery.

Below is a partial list (with special thanks to the catheaded one, the Cains, the Hafs & Esther).Please feel free to comment with your creations. We look forward to dining with you at the Hollywood Grill.


Johnny Artichoke Depp
Ralph Nachios

Bea Arthur BQ sandwich
Donald Trump Roast
Mary Pad Tyler Moore
Jake Gylanthalmond Chicken
Sean Penne Pasta
Shish ka bobcat goldthwait
Snoop Chili Cheese Dog
Lawrence Fried Fishburne
Lon-Don Johnson Broil
Howard Lobstern
Rigatoni Danza
Rip Torntelini
Corey Haim and Cheese
Dave Johnstonville Brat
Natalie Woodfired Pizza
Johnny Depp Dish Pizza
Christina Angel Haira pasta, with a Barry White wine and Janet Jackson-dried tomato sauce. (Served with french Bread McMahon and a glass of Danny Da Vino)

John MashpoStamos
Gary Coleslawman
Melon Brooks
Johnny Cashews
Tony Fried Rice
Allison saurKrauss

Fruits & Vegetables:
Dwight Yokumquat
Ronald Reganchovies
Banana Kornekova
Bruce McCullochflower
WatermEllen Degeneres
Halley blackBerries
Jennifer Cantelopez

Ice T
Mr. Sweet Tea
E. Tea
* All tea comes with Ice Cubes, a Chet Lemon wedge, and Matthew Sweet-n-Low (Reece Witherspoon available upon request.)
Jay Lo-enbrough
Dean Martini
Arnold Swartzenjagershots
John F Kennedy-caf coffee
Hot CoConan O’Brien

David ArKetchup
Balki BartacoMustard
Celne Dijon Mustard
Nichole Richeese Whiz
Don Pickles
Scott Mayo
Barbara Mandrelish

Wayne Gretzky Lime Pie
Emenem and m's
Fiona Applecrisp
Vanilla Ice Cream
Oreos Speedwagon
Gerald Fordshun cookie

Halley Joel Omlette
John Denver Omelet
Sean Puffy Honey Combs

Cheese (our specialty):
Colby Jack Nichalson
MozzarElla Fitzgerald
Vida Blue Cheese

Betty White Bread
Spamalea Anderson
Jack Black Beans


Please share your concoctions with us! This game will slowly take control of your life, it is then and only then that you will begin to realize that the bad ones are often better then the good ones... Which is really the moral of the story... well that and the fact that Meatloaf transcends boundaries.



i was a teenage hand model

I was a teenage hand model.

When the nor'easter leveled Fin Copper's homestead, I was a teenage hand model.
When Aunt Shelley claimed to have been "divinely probed by the divine one", I was a teenage hand model.
When the boy band craze caught on, I was a teenage hand model.

I was a teenage hand model.


At age 94, he will fall from the fifth floor window of a hotel while under the influence of alcohol.

This is the way that Don is going to go. Valiant indeed.

How will you go?



Letters: Don Rickles

The following is a letter that I wrote several years ago to Don. He promptly replied with an autographed 8x10 glossy headshot with the inscription "Hello Tim Best, Don Rickles".

Mr. Rickles,

I am a huge fan of yours. I believe your brand of humor to be some of the funniest out there and sadly a waning breed. I was wondering if you could find it in your insult laden heart to send me an autographed picture, or at least a response telling me to kiss off. Either way I would be indebted to you immensely.

I thank you in advance for your troubles and hope to cross paths with you in Vegas sometime. Keep on doin’ what your doin’, you’re great.


W. J. DeBalt

If you would like to write to Don and tell him how great he is you can do so at:

Don Rickles
c/o The Shefrin Group
808 South Ridgely Drive
Los Angeles, CA 90036


June is Don Rickles Month!

June is Don Rickles Month here at the PF ranch. Throughout the month the distinguished back-alley scribes of PF will be waxing poetic about the many ways Donny Rick has affected us. From the time that he spent with Mateaus at the maroon jackrabbit wrestling matches to the time that he pissed on my shoe in the St. Louis airport. Mr. Rickles has been such an instrumental force in molding our being. He is almost completely to thank/blame for the underlying "blow it out your ass" attitude that lies shallowly beneath the surface of almost everything we do.

In short Don Rickles is an American Hero, and this month we will testify to that.

feel free to share all things Rickles.

Here is something to wet your whistle


Long live The Hockey Puck!!!